Javier Estévez

Bachelor Degree in Computer Science

A Fullstack Developer from Montevideo, Uruguay.

Who I am ?

Hi, My name is Javier Estévez and I am a Fullstack Developer from Montevideo, Uruguay.
I finished my Bachelor's Studies in Computer Science at the end of 2015 at the Faculty of
Engineering of the Universidad de la Empresa and I'm a passionate lover about technology,
with more than 30 years related with programming, hardware and electronics.
I studied English at the Anglo Institute since I was 8 to 15 years old, therefore I am fluent in it.
I love to do a lot of swimming and other sports in general.

Technical Skills

  • HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
  • Angular, Angular JS, Typescript
  • Bootstrap, JQuery
  • API REST, Postman
  • Git, GitHub, Bitbucket
  • Java SE, Servlets, JSP
  • C#.Net, Visual Basic.Net, ASP.Net
  • PHP, Node.js
  • SQL(MySQL, SQL Server)
  • C, C++
  • Pascal
  • Genexus(Ver. 6,7,8,9)
  • UML
  • Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Mint)

Some recent Works

Here you can see applications made by me using Web Technologies like Angular, Vanilla Javascript, HTML5, NodeJS, NPM, CSS3, Firebase and GIT.

Museum Application

Museum Application

This is a single page application (SPA) made in angular to enjoy seeing the most prestigious Artworks in the world and the artists who built them.
It was made with Angular CLI 11.2.0 version. The home page diplays 20 Artworks that are fetched through a service that communicates with the Rijksmuseum API.
The search page allows the user to do particular searchs by introducing search terms.

Open Hardware Store

Open Hardware Store

This application implements a shopping cart on an online store where you can buy products.
It was developed only using Vanilla Javascript, HTML and CSS.

Super Héroes App

Super Heroes App

This single page application (SPA) was developed using Angular CLI 11, Bootstrap and some CSS styles. You can perform searchs in the navigation bar.
The results are fetched from a service that reads JSON objects contained inside a file.
The images I used are included in the Creative Commons Licences (CC BY'NC 4.0)

BBB - Clothing Store

BBB Clothing Store

This single page application (SPA) was developed using Angular CLI 13 and Firebase as a DataBase.
Components were used in order to break the page into reusable pieces of code.
Interfaces and Services are used to replace information on the web page. The images I used are included in the Creative Commons Licences (CC BY'NC 4.0)